piektdiena, 2012. gada 25. maijs

Alcohol and bestiality porn

First of all, this blog is going to be in English since I have high hopes that my dickheaded eloquence will make every English speaking girl in the vicinity want to sleep with me.
So lately I’ve been having troubles writing things, I’ve tried a couple of times, and it has never turned out the way I wanted it. So I figured maybe it’s because I’ve been trying too hard to have a general theme to my rants like “oh shit bureaucracy” or “fuck Paris” or whatever so this time I’ll just try writing down stuff I  feel strongly about without making a big deal out of trying to be coherent and logical.

First things first, now that it’s exam week and the shadow of my inevitable departure from this land is drawing nearer I have come to love this city. To  be honest the reasons I hated it in the first place were purely subjective, not getting and apartment, having trouble understanding how institutions actually work like (by institutions I mean every place that provides useful services such as transportation, education and cheap food), if you’re wondering they work by the logic of “Fuck you, that’s why,” of course the most important reason of all – being isolated from the wonderful life of the cite’ universitaire since I live in an apartment in a posh region with an introvert and an asshole. But now I’ve learned how to circumvent these things and Paris is wonderful. The weather in the evening is amazing (revision time, most of the time during the day is spent in the library which is also amazing), the people are pretty and the parks are wonderful. I am writing this in a park right now by the way.

Now for something completely different…
I had the most amazing day here involving Finnish people and a tour of Paris sex shops. Fun facts – porn here is bloody expensive and the really weird sex toys (involving a leather man-bra and something even I don’t feel comfortable describing in writing) come from Germany. If by chance any of the involved people read this it was a truly wonderful day, thank you.
Talking about Finnish things I had the good fortune of participating in a sitsit, which is ritualized form of drinking and singing songs. It also lead to me being very drunk indeed and having fuzzy memories of dancing in a silly manner and the central limit theorem (yes, doing math afterwards is a big no-no).
What else, what else, I don’t even know; being here isn’t as much a giant adventure as it is a continuum of small ones. And once you get past moping about irrelevant things it’s a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Too bad I have to go back, I wouldn’t risk doing another semester here since you know – actually getting a bachelors degree is also nice, but I have high hopes of coming back someday, maybe for a bit longer than just one semester.

Well that’s a shorter than expected. I guess I could add a photo of the bestiality porn section in a classic Paris sexshop. Enoy! (Zin kā – būs, ko ielikt fizmats http://fizmats365dienas.tumblr.com)